Sunday, March 02, 2008

Redesigning my poetry website

Well, actually, I'm very happy with most of the Rik's Poetry Pages website, but there's two things that I think could do with a bit of a spring clean:

1 ~ the home page: what would you both like to see changed here? Less words? More words? Different words? Random poem of the day? Links in sidebar rather than at bottom? More kittens? Better eye candy?

2 ~ the name of the site. Rik's Poetry Pages - well, it's not very inspiring, is it? What do you both think I should call the site?

C'mon folks: talk to me here! I want your input on these key issues!


  1. There are a lot of words, but it's not cluttery. And I like that it's sleek and fast and not, well, cluttery.

    Let's see. It's Rik's place so... Casablanca! Yeah, no one will get it.

  2. Anonymous1:51 am

    If you want to, you can post some of your poetry on my website. Also, if you want an example of a good site, alot of people have said my site is well made so you can look at it for an example. Peace
